Sudden Hearing Loss Treatment Antalya

The earlier the patient applies, the more successful the treatment is. It is ideal to start treatment by hospitalization.
Sudden hearing loss is a disease that is generally unknown to patients and therefore there are delays in consulting a doctor. To define it, it is a condition characterized by the patient's hearing decreasing by more than 30 dB in the following 3 frequencies, usually without any reason. As its name suggests, it occurs suddenly. If there is no obvious cause, i.e. acoustic trauma, pressure change, head trauma, intracranial tumor, etc., the cause cannot be found. Some systemic diseases, diabetes and cardiological problems can cause this disease.
Patients often experience hearing loss and tinnitus. However, since they think this is temporary, consulting a doctor is usually done after 1 week. However, they lose precious time for treatment. Sometimes, in late cases, there is nothing left to do, so the patient has no choice but to recommend a hearing aid. Clinical examination is usually normal. No abnormality is observed in the eardrum. Diagnosis is made by audiometric examinations.
The earlier the patient applies, the more successful the treatment is. It is ideal to start treatment by hospitalization. However, outpatient treatment can be applied to patients who do not want to be hospitalized. I do not find it meaningful to talk about treatment procedures here. That's why I'm keeping this section short.
As a result, it should be kept in mind that hearing loss is an important finding, although it may be due to a very simple reason, or it may actually be the first symptom of a very serious disease, and when such a situation is felt, it should be known that a physician should be consulted within 48 hours at the latest.
Sudden hearing loss is a disease that is generally unknown to patients and therefore there are delays in consulting a doctor.