Allergy Treatment in Antalya

When the immune system encounters foreign substances, it learns to recognize them and memorize them. Then, it prepares its response by producing antibodies against foreign substances (antigens). Whenever the same antigen is seen in the organism, a previously prepared response begins due to its remembering feature. Therefore, for example, when a person with hay fever encounters pollen every year, he immediately reacts due to this feature in his immune system.
Allergy is the body being affected by some substances or weather conditions that are not actually harmful, or overreacting to some substances as a result of psychological factors.
The immune system, which normally protects the body, overreacts to some substances that are not harmful in some people. These reactions are called "hypersensitivity" or "allergy". The antigen that causes an allergic reaction is called "allergen". Allergic reactions are not uniform, they occur in many ways, can occur in different parts of the body and can be of varying severity.
Substances that cause allergic reactions are called "allergens". These substances can be inhaled or ingested through skin contact or through food. These substances must have entered the body before an allergic reaction can occur. In other words, the body's immune system must encounter this substance before and become sensitive to it. Reactions develop very quickly in subsequent encounters. The breakdown of mast cells in the body by allergens and the release of a substance called "histamine" are responsible for the development of the reaction. Below are the most common allergens, especially inhaled ones.
Allergy symptoms may include itching, hives or asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) symptoms, sneezing, runny nose, itching in the nose and nasal passages, nasal congestion and postnasal drip. If a person becomes allergic due to contact with some substances, the problem is solved by removing that substance.
When the immune system encounters foreign substances, it learns to recognize them and memorize them. Then, it prepares its response by producing antibodies against foreign substances (antigens). Whenever the same antigen is seen in the organism, a previously prepared response begins due to its memory feature. Therefore, for example, when a person with hay fever encounters pollen every year, he immediately reacts due to this feature in his immune system.
Allergy symptoms may include itching, hives or asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) symptoms, sneezing, runny nose, itching in the nose and nasal passages, nasal congestion and postnasal drip.
Alerji belirtileri kaşıntı, kurdeşen ya da astım, alerjik rinit (saman nezlesi) belirtileri, hapşırma, burun akıntısı, burun ve genizde kaşıntı, burun tıkanıklığı ve geniz akıntısı olarak görülebilir.